Mar 21, 2011

Gemstones: Charoite

Charoite Charoite 

Charoite Charoite

Charoite - A Stone for Courage.

Color: The colors in each piece of Charoite range from bright lavender, violet and lilac to dark purple with both white, gray and black veining. It forms a swirling pattern of interlocking crystals. Royal lavendar flows with chatoyant streaks of white around bits of black, peach and opalescent gray.

Description: (Ca,K,Na)3Si4O10(OH,F)H2O. Charoite is an unsual mineral and of rare occurence. It formed from alteration of limestones by the close presences of an alkali-rich nephline syenite intrusion. The heat, pressure and more importantly, the infusion of unique chemicals into the rock is responsible for the transformations into new minerals such as charoite.

The name's origin: Charoite is named after the nearby Charo River.

From the stone history: The Russians first discovered charoite in 1947 in the Murun mountains in Yakutia, but it was not known in the West until 1978. Charoite is used as an ornamental stone and as a gemstone.

Healing ability: Put charoite beneath your pillow, especially if you are prone to disturbed sleep or fears which surface in dreams. In combination with amethyst, it will help to release these fears.

Mystical power: Mystical power: Charoite is said to be useful for the cleansing and purification of one's energy body as well as for the transmutation of negative energies within oneself.
Charoite transmutes negativity and cleanses the aura. Charoite facilitates the release of fear and dissolution of negative energies encountered in the process of aligning with your soul's purpose. Work with Charoite to foster a synthesis between the heart and crown chakra, walk your spiritual path with awareness, and manifest your soul's wisdom and light in daily life. The purple color of Charoite, among its other roles, helps to bring us closer to spirit by showing us that everything, even the thoughts we hold as true, can be dissolved and replaced with more empowering energies.
The color black in this stone grounds the purple ray, and enables us to explore the nature of our fears; while white represents the connection to spirit.

Deposits: Charoite is found in only one location - along the Chary River at Aldan in Russia. This part of Russia is known for its forbidding climate and terrain and as a traditional place of exile for political prisoners.
Why charoite has not been found in other locations is not fully understood. But it is probably due to a combination of a chemically unique limestone reacting with a chemically unique intrusion and subjected to unique physical conditions.

The information for mineralogist: Charoite has a hardness of from 5 - 6 on the MOHS scale.

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