May 31, 2011

Event Upcoming Events :  June 07 - June 10, 2011 : Balikpapan June 08 - June 11, 2011 : Denpasar, Bali June 15 - June 19, 2011 : Adiwastra - JCC, Jakarta June 20 - June 24, 2011 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia June 22 - June 26, 2011 : Dekranas - Lawang Sewu, Semarang June Tentative, 2011 : Makassar June Tentative, 2011 : Palemb...

May 26, 2011

    Reny Feby in BNI Inspiring Women On 25 May 2011, Reny Feby Jewelry attend BNI "Inspiring Women". The event was held at Balai Sudirman, Jakarta. Indonesian senior singer, Vina Panduwinata, enliven the event. Mrs. Linda Agum Gumelar and Mrs. Rima Melati be guests of honor are awarded the "Inspiring Women" from BNI.   A fashion show by "1717 by Gemala Anjani and Gaya" was also held at the ceremony that afternoon. The models also wore jewelry from Reny Feby Jewelry. ...

Mar 22, 2011

Gemstones: Turquoise Turquoise brings happiness and good fortune. Color: The color of turquoise ranges from sky blue through various shades of green to greenish and yellowish gray. Turquoise is opaque except in the thinnest splinters, and has a feeble, faintly waxy lustre. Description: Turquoise, hydrated copper and aluminum phosphate [CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8*4H2O], that is extensively used as a gemstone. Turquoise is a secondary mineral deposited from circulating waters, and it occurs chiefly as an opaque, granular vein running through a host rock. The name's origin: The name turquoise undoubtedly comes from turc (Turkish in French)...

Gemstones: Tourmaline Tourmaline brings tranquillity and serenity into your life. Color: Tourmaline comes in many colors such as blue, yellow, pink, red, black, green and clear. Green is from iron, chromium and vanadium, pink from manganese. Some crystals are pink at one end and green at the other. Description: Tourmaline is borosilicate mineral of complex and variable composition. Tourmaline is very abundant and has the best-developed crystals in pegmatites and in metamorphosed limestones in contact with granitic magmas. The colored varieties, when transparent and free from flaws, are cut as gems. Transparent crystals of tourmaline are dichroic - the depth...

Gemstones: Topaz Topaz is a stone of strength. Color: Pure topaz is colorless, but it also occurs in a broad range of colors: yellow, blue, pink, peach, gold, green, red, and brown. Some natural yellow stones are heated to become permanently pink (pinked topaz). Description: Topaz is an aluminum fluorite silicate containing fluorine and has a chemical formula of Al2F2SiO4. It is one of the few gem minerals which, under suitable conditions, grow into enormous crystals. Topaz typically occurs in cavities in rhyolites and granite, in pegmatite...

Gemstones: Tiger's-eye Tiger eye - offers courage, energy, and luck. Stone's names: Tiger eye, also spelled tiger's-eye and tigereye. Tiger eye is also called crocidolite cat's-eye or African cat's-eye. Color: Tiger eye has a rich yellow and golden brown stripes, with a fine golden lustre when polished. Description: Tiger eye is quartz that contains oriented fibres of crocidolite that have been replaced by silica. Tiger eye is displaying chatoyancy (a vertical luminescent band like that of a cat's eye) . Tiger eye typically has lustrous alternating yellow or brown bands. The name's origin: Tiger eye with its bands resembles an eye of tiger, so it is received its name due...

Gemstones: Pearl Pearl symbolizes love, success, and happiness. Color: The color of pearls varies with the mollusk and its environment. It ranges from black to white, with the rose of Indian pearls esteemed most. Other colors are cream, gray, blue, yellow, lavender, green, and mauve. All occur in delicate shades. Cultured pearls are being produced in virtually every color of the rainbow. Description: The chief component of the nacre that constitutes the pearl is aragonite CaCO. Pearls are formed by a mollusk consisting of the same material (called nacre, or mother-of-pearl) as the mollusk's shell. It is a highly valued gemstone. The shell-secreting...

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